f u t u r e ra
Learn: forecasting / Toc / Performance



Performance for the forecast

We have an example of data points / observations with the forecast.
Forecasting model is SES (singel Exponential Smoothing)
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
actual 20 20 25 28 29 28 31 34 35 36 41 45
predicted-(ɑ=0.8) 20 20 24 27 29 28 30 33 35 36 40 44
predicted-(ɑ=0.2) 20 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30 33 35
Initial forecast=20
Bias = (  ∑ (predictedyi - actualyi)  )  / n  
predictedyi: predicted value i-th data point / observation actualyi: true value for the i-th data point / observation n: number of data points / observations

Prediction Direction Accuracy (PDA)
PDA = ((  ∑ (Prediction Directioni = Actual Directioni)  )  / n  ) x 100%
The direction is calculated through the difference between the current_value minus the past_value. If the directions of the predicted and the actual is the same then the counter will be raised.

step 1a: differences actual
# actual direction result
1 20
2 20 20 - 20 0
3 25 25 - 20 5
4 28 28 - 25 3
5 29 29 - 28 1
6 28 28 - 29 -1
7 31 31 - 28 3
8 34 34 - 31 3
9 35 35 - 34 1
10 36 36 - 35 1
11 41 41 - 36 5
12 45 45 - 41 4

step 1b: differences predicted (ɑ=0.8)
# predicted direction result
2 20
3 20 20 - 20 0
4 24 24 - 20 4
5 27 27 - 24 3
6 29 29 - 27 2
7 28 28 - 29 -1
8 30 30 - 28 2
9 33 33 - 30 3
10 35 35 - 33 2
11 36 36 - 35 1
12 40 40 - 38 2
13 44 44 - 40 4

step 1c: results
# actual predicted count
2 0
3 5 0 1
4 3 4 1
5 1 3 1
6 -1 2 0
7 3 -1 0
8 3 2 1
9 3 3 1
10 1 2 1
11 5 1 1
12 4 2 1
13 4

summation = ∑ (Prediction Directioni = Actual Directioni) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
= 8

n = 10

pda = (8 / 10) x 100% = 80%

def func(actual,predicted):
pda_count = 0
for i in range(1, len(predicted)):
p = predicted[i] - predicted[i-1]
a = actual[i] -actual[i-1]
if (p > 0 and a > 0) or (p < 0 and a < 0):
pda_count = pda_count + 1
pda = (pda_count / (len(predicted) -1)) x 100
return pda