f u t u r e ra
Docs: forecasting / Statistics: performance metrics


-Performance metrics

Assess the systematic overestimation or underestimation of your forecasted values.

predictedyi: predicted value i-th data point / observation
actualyi: true value for the i-th data point / observation
n: number of data points / observations

Forecast Bias
Measures the systematic deviation of forecasted values from the actual values.

Bias = (  ∑ (predictedyi - actualyi)  )  / n  
- positive bias is an overestimation
- negative bias is an underestimation

- Advantages:insights into the accuracy and consistency of forecasts
- Disadvantages: ignores the timing and direction of errors
Forecast Interval Coverage (FIC)
metric used to assess the accuracy and reliability of time series forecasting models

FIC = ((number of actual values within the forecasted intervals) / n) x 100%
- Advantages: simplicity and interpretability
- Disadvantages: does not consider the width of the intervals or the distribution of the forecast errors
Prediction Direction Accuracy (PDA)
Measures the percentage of correct directional predictions

PDA = ((  ∑ (Prediction Directioni = Actual Directioni)  )  / n  ) x 100%
- Advantages: straightforward and intuitive measure of the model’s ability to predict the direction of future values
- Disadvantages: does not capture the magnitude or precision of predictions