f u t u r e ra
Docs: trendcurves / Toc / Introduction Overview


-Introduction and Overview

Introduction and overview.

Trend curves:

Futurera have these trendcurves as options:

Slope characteristics of trendcurves
The slope is the rate of growth of the various trend curves which gives straight lines when plotted against time. The slope characteristic for each trend curve is compared with the slope characteristic of the demand data and if the same linear relationship with time is obtained for a period of the data the the procedure would suggest that there is no apparent misfit to the demand data for the period.

Choosing the curve
SlopeHorizontalStraight line
SlopeAt an angle to the horizontalParabola
Slope / (Moving Average)HorizontalSimpel Exponential
Slope / (Moving Average)At an angle to the horizontalLogarithmic Parabola
Logaritme of SlopeSloping down to the rightSimple Modified Exponential
Logaritme of { Slope / (Moving Average) }Sloping down to the rightGompertz
Logaritme of { Slope / (Moving Average)2 }Sloping down to the rightLogistic