f u t u r e ra
Docs: Trendcurves / Toc / Exponential



Each time series is modeled using an exponential curve, also called a geometric curve.


Yt = k + aebt

, where Yt is the value of the time series at time t, and a, b, and k are estimated from the data using least-squares estimation. (The value k allows the exponential curve to shift to better fit the time series.)

One that the application suggest is shown in next graph.

Equation where X is the exponential trend line.

Yt = 123.36 - 102.33 * (0.93t)

The exponential curve type is useful for data that rapidly increases or decreases with time.

Modified exponentials with moving averages

From Demand we make series with moving averages length 3 and 5. These moving averages we take the Trend with modified exponential.